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The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do was Fiona's first album in nearly 7 years, following the release of the tumultuous Extraordinary Machine in 2005. Her rabid fans didn't know what to expect when she came back, but even they weren't ready for this: an album that feels like a raw, stripped back open wound, an album that let Apple's vocals stand centerstage amid sometimes sparse instrumentation. It's a stunning achievement, but you already knew that.
1 Every Single Night |
2 Daredevil |
3 Valentine |
4 Jonathan |
5 Left Alone |
1 Werewolf |
2 Periphery |
3 Regret |
4 Anything We Want |
5 Hot Knife |
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