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Ofege was formed in the early 1970s by a bunch of teenagers at the St. Gregory’s College in Lagos, Nigeria. They were largely influenced by the guitar solos of Carlos Santana, Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page while closer to home, they were influenced by the music of BLO, Monomono (led by Joni Haastrup), The Funkees, and Ofo The Black Company. Due to their vibrant combo of sweet harmonies, hooks and fuzz, Ofege would become one of the most legendary Nigerian groups of all time, with expressive sales and national stardom. At the turn of the century (and because of tracks appearing on various psychedelic music compilations) Ofege would receive international acknowledgment for being the first of their kind and the ultimate West-African psychedelic funk band.
How Do You Feel (releas...
1 World Peace |
2 Burning Jungle |
3 Check It Out |
4 Bomp Your Booty |
5 Take Your Mind Away |
1 How Do You Feel |
2 Ideal Situation |
3 Naira Power |
4 Nature Queen |
5 Frustration |
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