This is a special episode of Stax of Wax. We have the producer of the Pickathon Music Festival, Mr. Terry Groves in the studio. He brings with him 13 records that all feature artists who will be playing live at the gorgeous Pickathon 2017 festival which takes place just outside Portland, Oregon from August 3rd-6th. Terry really knows his stuff about these artists and the labels that represent them and it makes for a killer conversation, and super groovy tunes. Check out the playlist below.
For more information on Pickathon you can visit:
Stax of Wax is Presented by Vinyl Me, Please Stax of Wax is Hosted by Black Circle Radio
Set Playlist
Talk Set
Talk Set
Music Beds Played By:
Mitch enjoys all things music and when he is not recording Stax of Wax, spinning records on his all-vinyl radio show Black Circle Radio, or learning how to be a dad, you can most likely find him very close to a pinball machine with a beer in hand.