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With his astonishingly accomplished guitar playing, Stevie Ray Vaughan ignited the blues revival of the '80s. Vaughan drew equally from bluesmen like Albert King, Otis Rush and Hubert Sumlin and rock 'n' roll players like Jimi Hendrix and Lonnie Mack, as well as the stray jazz guitarist like Kenny Burrell, developing a uniquely eclectic and fiery style that sounded like no other guitarist, regardless of genre.

The Sky Is Crying was released after SRV's 1990 helicopter crash that took his life. The posthumously assembled 10-track outtakes collection proves to be one of Vaughan's most consistent albums, rivaling In Step as the best outside of the Greatest Hits collection. These songs were recorded in sessions spanning from 1984's Couldn't Stand the Weather to...

Vaughan's different tonal shadings — from warmly purring, to raggedly distorted, to wasp-tailed sting, plus a rare acoustic turn on the gorgeous closer, "Life By The Drop" — are all superbly captured, and the drums and bass have plenty of clarity and wallop. The sound is big, bold, up front, and clean as a whistle.

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Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble

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