Punk is an attitude. Punk is diverse. Punk is non-adherence to status quo. Musically speaking, if we put Classic in front of Punk, the sounds stand the test of time. For an LP to be Classic, it must be at least 26 years old; these Classic Punk albums broke ground before 1990. The records here are cornerstones of punk rock 'n' roll history; the bands represented both obscure and original in their own fantastic way. The formulation of punk music in the '70s and '80s, and it’s aforementioned greatness, paved way for modern acts that we now love; it may be the most influential movement in music history. If these 10 albums were never made, record collectors would have suffered mightily, and punk rock would surely have been of different mold. Think of them as the huge redwood tree in a field of shrubs, or the fast Aston Martin on a highway full of beaters. If you don’t have the albums summarized (drooled over) below, then it’s going to be really hard to be trusted.
Big factors with punk: weirdness, volume, aggression and ambition. Large misconception with punk: It doesn’t have to sound like a lo-fi piece of shit. There is no Ramones, no Sex Pistols, and no “how-did-you-leave-this-band-out” drama; each delegate is here for being a super spectacular version of it. Since everything revolves around time and place, we’re going in chronological order. These records are pillars in the house of bad religion, each a masterpiece of punk.
Fun House 是龐克音樂風格的合理起點。首先,合法的龐克重要專輯有七年都在這只快樂而神經質的怪獸之後。其次,沒有龐克樂隊能聲稱自己像 The Stooges 那麼酷。Fun House 是搖滾,但它的噪音、能量和 Iggy Pop 的惡毒歌唱行為孕育了一場革命。回到1970年夏天,我可以想像保守的激進青少年母親把 Fun House 從孩子手中搶過來並把黑膠唱片點燃。在某些領域,The Stooges 可以被視為地獄的孩子;Iggy Pop 的封面幾乎像是在沸騰的熔岩中燃燒。但這張第二張專輯起初並沒有賣得很好,這可能從長遠來看是件好事;每一次旋轉都是一種獎勵。無論是 Steve Mackay 堅持加入的薩克斯風,還是 Ron Asheton 切割般的吉他,Fun House 記錄了 Stooges 在70年代初在 Los Angeles 的 Elektra Sound Recorders 演出的旅程,公認為搖滾音樂最好的十年。耳膜的虐待從未如此愉悅。
Jordan J. Michael相信音樂(特別是黑膠唱片)是幸福的關鍵。他喜歡所有音樂類型,但不會聆聽任何無意義的音樂。他以做一些「戈恩佐風格」的事情而聞名,現在住在芝加哥的紐約人。
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