독특하고 따라할 수 없는 필라델피아 소울의 여덟 개 앨범을 통해 전해지는 이야기로, 생동감 넘치는 스토리텔링과 품질 높은 마스터링에 특별한 주의를 기울였습니다.
필라델피아 인터내셔널 레코드의 이야기 UNNUMBERED
VMP Anthology goes beyond the eight LPs included in your box. Alongside your box and the albums within it, we provide in-depth, original Listening Notes and a digestible multi-episode podcast to serve as your definitive guide though these records. VMP Anthology isn’t just a box set that’s supposed to gather dust on your shelves — it’s an immersive and transformative story that comes alive for you to spend weeks (or longer!) inside of. We can’t wait for you to dive deeper into PIR’s incredible history, and perhaps even enjoy some Soul Train-inspired living room dance breaks along the way.
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