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Pilihan Fantastis

Linda Gerard

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Linda Gerard was our sailor-mouthed spirit mother. If you never met her, we can tell you that her legendary spirit still guides the tide at Ace Hotel & Swim Club, where she worked as the inimitable Mistress of Ceremonies for bingo nights, led Pride Parades with gusto (she self-identified as an OWL — older, wiser lesbian) and swooned and swore her way indelibly into our souls. Her voice was as singular and powerful as her regal presence so, when we found her analog 45s and cassette recordings from her show-tune Broadway days and beyond, we worked with Larry Crane of Jackpot! Recording Studio to release a limited pressing of 'Linda Gerard: Fabulous Selections.’

Vaulting out of this record is Linda herself — brass softened by a tender joke, oceanic vibrations of every great Br...

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Linda Gerard

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