Every month, we send Derek Delacroix out into the wild with a turntable and our album of the month. This month he took BADBADNOTGOOD's IV, and their song with Kaytranada, "Lavender," to a lavender farm in California. Watch it and live in the luxury.
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Komit lebih lama dan hemat. Atau, pilih Bulanan tanpa komitmen. Kami tidak akan memperpanjang keanggotaan Anda tanpa menghubungi Anda terlebih dahulu. Anda dapat mengubah Trek Anda atau menukar rekaman bulanan Anda yang akan datang.
Shipping begins in April. Sign up today to secure your spot on this once-in-a-lifetime musical
journey. Start your subscription with "${chargebee.selectedPlan.product.title}".
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Available in Limited Engagements of 3, 6, or 12 month terms. Commit longer to save. This Limited
Subscription Track will end after 12 months and you will no longer be charged.
This Limited Subscription Track will end in March 2024 and you will no longer be charged. Commit
longer and save. Start with this month's Dolly Parton Record, with the option to include catch-up
records from the previous months upon signup.
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