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7 albumia, jotka vangitsevat legendaarisen Detroitin jazz-levy-yhtiön olennaisuuden.

Tämä on numeroimaton kopio alkuperäisestä painoksesta.

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Wendell Harrison & Phil Ranelin
Message From The Tribe (1973)
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Wendell Harrison
Evening With The Devil (1972)
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Phil Ranelin
The Time Is Now! (1974)
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Phil Ranelin
Vibes From The Tribe (1976)
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Harold McKinney
Voices and Rhythms of the Creative Profile (1974)
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Doug Hammond & David Durrah
Reflections in the Sea of Nurnen (1975)
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Wendell Harrison
Farewell to the Welfare (Unreleased, 1975)

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7 Oleellista Tribe Records Julkaisua
Yhteistyössä Now-Again Recordsin kanssa esittelemme näiden haluttujen albumien lopulliset uudelleenjulkaisut. Nämä albumit kuulostavat yhtä hyviltä – tai jopa paremmilta – kuin harvinaiset alkuperäiset LP-julkaisut. Ne on painettu korkealaatuiselle 180g mustalle vinyylille ja pakattu painaviin, tip-on-kansiin.
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Eksklusiivinen Podcast Sarja
Tässä neljän jakson podcast-sarjassa isäntämme Marcus Moore keskustelee Phil Ranelinin ja Wendell Harrisonin kanssa siitä, mikä johti heidän oman levy-yhtiönsä ja kollektiivinsa perustamiseen, heidän vaikutuksestaan Detroitin mustaan yhteisöön ja mitä se edelleen merkitsee nykyisessä jakautuneessa Amerikassa.
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Sisällysluettelon Muistikirja
Tribe-historian Larry Gabriel ja toimittaja Jeff “Chairman” Mao vievät meidät Tribe Records -historian läpi vangitsevassa tarinassa, joka syventyy paitsi levyn ja sen periaatteiden historiaan, myös mustan amerikan voimaantumiseen 1900-luvun jälkipuoliskolla.
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Premium Muistoesite
Tämä raskas kaksiosainen liuku- ja repäisypaketti sisältää ikoniset Tribe-logot ja ympärille kietotun valokuvan Phil Ranelinista ja Wendell Harrisonista lavalla, ja on käsin numeroitu, alkuperäisen Clay Conderin suunnittelun kanssa. Ensimmäinen painos, rajoitettu 1000 kappaleeseen.
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Eksklusiivinen AMA Videoseminaari
Kokemuksesi aikana järjestämme “Kysy minulta mitä tahansa” -videotilaisuuden. Pysy kuulolla vieraiden ilmoitusten osalta osana kokemusta.
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These Rare Albums Remastered With Care


These albums sound as good – or better – than the sought after and rare original LP issues. Some were remixed from the original tapes, under the supervision of Tribe’s co-founders Phil Ranelin and Wendell Harrison, and some were lacquered directly from the original master tapes in an all-analog transfer by Bernie Grundman. They are pressed on high-quality 180g black vinyl and housed in heavyweight tip-on jackets.

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Exclusive Podcast & Liner Notes


Exclusive Podcast Series
In this four-episode podcast series, our host Marcus Moore talks with Phil Ranelin and Wendell Harrison about what lead them to found their own label and collective, their own albums in the box — they lead five of the albums here — their impact on Detroit’s Black community through their music and activism, what has and hasn’t changed in the struggle they started decades ago, and what the legacy of their courage in music is in today’s, divided America.

The Liner Notes
Veteran music journalist Marcus Moore hosts the Tribe Records podcast, which features interviews with Phil Ranelin and Wendell Harrison, Tribe Records' co-founders and braintrust.


Onko kysymyksiä?

VMP Anthology is the vinyl box set, reinvented. It aims to use music to tell a story, and gives space for lots of listening, learning, and conversation along the way.
VMP started as a record of the month club in 2013 and has expanded into an online record store and magazine.
Shipping is free in the U.S. and $40 internationally. Records will be sent in one shipment. Timeline is subject to change due to COVID-19. We will notify you of any shipping updates.
We created VMP Anthology for people who recognize that every album has a deep story to tell. By breaking up the albums into 3 episodes, we give you space to truly listen and absorb each individual recording, listen to the podcast and soak it in.
Nope! We built VMP Anthology as a way for all fans to experience music more deeply, and VMP membership is not required.
Yes, shipping is available in 16 countries in addition to the U.S. (view all FAQs for more details). For international customers, customs and duties will be pre-paid and nothing will be due upon receipt.
Afterpay is an interest-free financing option that allows you to make four bi-weekly (every two weeks) installment payments rather than one upfront payment. If you choose Afterpay at checkout, you will be redirected to the Afterpay site to create an account and to complete your payment. You won’t be charged any interest or fees, as long as your payments are made on time. At this time, Afterpay is only available for customers in the United States.
To get the Member Price, you must be an active VMP Member for our monthly record subscription (and make sure you are logged in).

Tribe Recordsin tarina (NUMEROIMATON)


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