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Tarina Cadet Records

VMP Anthology 16 on omistettu yhdiselle kaikista aikaansa edellä olevista, innovatiivisista levymerkeistä: Cadet Records.

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This record is only available for Members. VMP members receive our exclusive Records of the Month and special access to other limited titles (like this one). Starting at $44/kuukausi.

Ei saatavilla: This product is currently unavailable. You're on the waitlist and will be notified if it becomes available. Join the waitlist to be notified if it becomes available.

HUOM: Osta tämä tuote yksittäin, sillä sitä ei voi yhdistää muiden kaupasta löytyvien tuotteiden kanssa. Tilaukset lähetetään 5-7 työpäivän kuluessa. Aikataulu voi muuttua. Ilmoitamme sinulle kaikista lähetyspäivityksistä.
After nearly 10 years as Argo, the name of Chess Records’ jazz imprint was supposed to be the only thing about it that changed. But as Cadet Records assumed its new identity in the mid-’60s, the influence of the dawning psychedelic era, a boom of recording technology advances and, crucially, the arrival of a cadre of eager artists and brilliant producers put the label on a new, bewildering course to greatness. Tragic circumstances would bring about the label’s unraveling almost as rapidly as its meteoric rise, but not before Cadet released some of most audacious, boundary-pushing jazz, soul, blues and rock albums of the ’60s and ’70s — music that’s inspired generations of superstars, DJs and cratediggers ever since.
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Stephen Anderson, executive producer, The Story of Cadet Records

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Etta James
Tell Mama (1968)
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Dorothy Ashby
Afro-Harping (1968)
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Harold Land Quintet
The Peace-Maker (1968)
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Muddy Waters
Electric Mud (1968)
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Ramsey Lewis
Mother Nature's Son (1968)
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Shades of Brown
S.O.B. (1970)
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The New Rotary Connection
Hey, Love (1971)
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Terry Callier
Occasional Rain (1972)

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Kuule levymerkin mestarista
Laatikkomme on luotu tiiviissä yhteistyössä Cadetin alkuperäisen levymerkki-päällikön Marshall Chessin kanssa, joka kirjoittaa etukappaleen linssiokeihin ja on vahvasti esillä tämän kauden VMP Anthology -podcastissa, jossa hän toivottaa sinut tervetulleeksi laatikkoon suoraan. Harvoin saat kuulla tarinoita levymerkistä — ja kyseisen levymerkin albumeista — tällaisesta lähteestä.
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Podcasts jännityksen maailmassa
VMP:n oma Stephen Anderson isännöi tätä laatikoiden podcastia, joka syventyy kaikkiin julkaisuun ja artistien elämän tarinoihin. Kuule, kuinka levymerkki perustettiin, miksi Chessin vakio-asukkaat hyppäsivät Cadetille ja kuinka Ramsey Lewisilla on kanit levyn kansikuvassa.
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(Lähes) AAA mestariteoksia
Ensimmäinen painos on rajoitettu 1 000 kappaleeseen 180g mustalla vinyylillä. Kuusi albumeista on masteroitu AAA Bernie Grundmanin toimesta; Mother Nature’s Sonin B-puoli on siirretty master-nauhoista ja leikattu digitaalisesta lähteestä, jotta korjataan nauhan vaurioitumisen osa. Electric Mud on leikattu AAA Barry Grintin toimesta Alchemy Masteringissa AIR:ssa. Uskomme, että nämä kahdeksan albumia — joita on harvakseltaan julkaistu ja jotka ovat yhä harvinaisia toissijaisilla markkinoilla — eivät ole koskaan kuulostaneet paremmilta.
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Kerrohan minulle, miten tarina loppuu
Lue näiden kahdeksan albumin tarina hyvin erityisessä 36-sivuisessa kuuntelumuistiinpanoteoksessa ja valokuvakirjassa, jonka on kirjoittanut VMP:n oma Stephen Anderson, joka myös toimi tämän laatikon tuottajana.
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Premium muistokotelo
VMP:ssä sisäisesti suunnitellut levyt ovat alkuperäisessä laatikossa, jonka inspiraationa ovat Cadet-julkaisuista tunnetut sinivalkoiset etiketit.
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How Was The Audio Sourced?

Lacquers for all titles except for Electric Mud — which was cut AAA by Barry Grint at Alchemy Mastering — were cut by Bernie Grundman at Bernie Grundman Mastering. Of those cut by Grundman, all were mastered AAA with the exception of Side B of Mother Nature’s Son, which was transferred from the master tapes and cut from a digital source to amend a passage of tape degradation. All eight titles are pressed on 180g black vinyl at GZ.

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Podcast and Listening Notes

Get the full story of Cadet Records through our podcast and Listening Notes booklet. The booklet — 36 pages long with photos from the era — found in your box covers the story of Cadet from its start to its finish. Our podcast will offer a discussion of all the albums and their histories.


Onko kysymyksiä?

VMP Anthology is the vinyl box set, reinvented. It aims to use music to tell a story, and gives space for lots of listening, learning, and conversation along the way.
VMP started as a record of the month club in 2013 and has expanded into an online record store and magazine.
Shipping is free in the U.S. and $20 internationally. Records will be sent in one shipment. Orders are expected to ship in May 2023. Timeline is subject to change. We will notify you of any shipping updates.
We created VMP Anthology for people who recognize that every album has a deep story to tell. By breaking up the albums, we give you space to truly listen and absorb each individual recording, listen to the podcast and soak it in. Of course, this is just a suggestion!
Nope! We built VMP Anthology as a way for all fans to experience music more deeply, and VMP membership is not required.
Yes, shipping is available in 16 countries in addition to the U.S. (view all FAQs for more details). Due to the box value and carrier constraints, international customers are responsible for customs and duties. When shipping to a country that is subject to VAT, this will also be due upon receipt.
Afterpay is an interest-free financing option that allows you to make four bi-weekly (every two weeks) installment payments rather than one upfront payment. If you choose Afterpay at checkout, you will be redirected to the Afterpay site to create an account and to complete your payment. You won’t be charged any interest or fees, as long as your payments are made on time. At this time, Afterpay is only available for customers in the United States.
To get the Member Price, you must be an active VMP Member for our monthly record subscription (and make sure you are logged in).

Cadet Recordsin tarina


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